The normal web content at


has been unavailable since 29th December 2023 due to an unexpected/unplanned server change...

The new server hosting has a different operating system, different PHP & MYSQL versions etc, different web control panel software so things like scripting, SQL access, +.. broke because Joomla 3 won't/can't run with these later versions !

It may never return as it was previously - despite many hours trying to export from Joomla 3.x into Joomla 4 and Joomla 5 - and, while I have both files and SQL backups from the 28th December, I have found them useless as I cannot restore them to anything that will work !

I have even tried a WordPress import and while I have the individual pages imported, many of the images and non-image files (eg ZIP, TXT) are absent, and I cannot find a useful means of presenting what I do have.

So it looks like 15 years of projects and activities pages is likely to disappear without a trace other than a HTML structure copy dated October 2022 (see below) and the PDFs I have created off the old site.

I have not abandoned trying to get something working but that each day goes by without a successful outcome is frustrating and far from encouraging to continue the process.

73 de Doug VK4ADC

5th January 2024

The following links and data should be regarded as temporary until I come up with a suitable solution / CMS package to replace these...

Extract : old site as HTML , note not up-to-date (Oct 2022) and never will be. Some data/pages may be missing or incomplete..

Some of the ZIP files are available through this link : ziplinks

and most article pages are available here as PDFs : PDFLinks